Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Experience Finding an Accountant

I started my own business in March of this year, it was something of an accident really, I was buying and selling on eBay for a while and when I looked at my paypal account I realised that I was making more doing that than I was at my job. So I quit my job. That was a great feeling.

I thought that I would need an accountant to help me at the initial stage, to get the business started and then I would be able to do the accounting, but it didn't really work out like that.

First of all, finding an Accountant in Newcastle upon Tyne is no easy feat. The ones in the city centre are so unbelievably expensive, and they make you feel so small and insignificant - I went into a few and each time was just as disheartening.

I just wanted an ordinary account in Newcastle upon Tyne to show me the ropes, where oh, where was I to find such a person? I asked a few friends and while they had accountants they advised against using them - they were overcharging or just plain unhelpful according to my friends. So I widened my search. Eventually I found an accountant that I really liked in Whitley Bay. He made sense to me and didn't look down his nose, compared to what I'd already seen, he was a blessing.

However it was not just a case of showing me the ropes and letting me get on with it. How these guys do this every day is beyond me! It is easier to let them handle the lot! They have been really fair with me and I think that if I'd done it on my own it would have cost me more in mistakes than I paid to them in fees, so it is well worth it.


Trying to find an accountant in a big city is surprisingly difficult as some of the prices are astronomical. For a small business like mine, I just needed a reliable, honest accountant that would show me what I needed to know, and help me out along the way. I found a lot of the accountants in the city centre were trying to sell me too many packages and were over-complicating my affairs. Stick to your guns and remember that you don't need 'the works' you just need trustworthy advice.

My name is Rob Hurren and I invite you to save money using our accounting services! Our services come in many forms - payroll, tax returns, bookkeeping, business plans, tax returns, Vat returns, Annual and Management Accountants.

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